Efficient Mobile Agent Based Data Dissemination by Distributed Offloading

In wireless sensor networks, mobile agent (MA) is used to collect sensory data from source nodes with the itinerary planning. However, with the increase of carried data by MA, more energy consumed of source nodes come out in the case of visiting data source nodes. The energy consumption of the nodes in the end of planned itinerary becomes extremely high, which causes the shortened lifetime of it. Hence, in this article we propose a data offloading strategy for optimizing itinerary planning of MA. When MA visits source nodes based on data offloading strategy, it decides whether to transfer data package via optimized offloading itinerary and MA visits data source nodes via conventional itinerary. Based on considerable simulations with the representative MA itinerary planning, i.e., itinerary energy minimum for first-source-selection (IEMF), it verifies that our proposal can efficiently solve the problem of excessive energy consumption from source nodes and prolong the lifetime of source nodes.