Aspectos produtivos e sanitários do rebanho leiteir o nas propriedades do sudoeste

SUMMARY Milk is a food of great nutritional importance. In addition, the dairy can be highlighted by the economic and social development that promotes in the rural properties. Thus, the objective of this study was to characterize milk production and animal health management of properties in the dairy region of the southwestern region of Bahia. The methodology proposed is made by applying a questionnaire with objective questions, using a sample of 94 producers participating in the research that provide milk for dairy cooperatives and dairy in the region registered in the preliminary farm diagnosis in program Geraleite. The data obtained are important to know and to compare the profile of dairy farms in this region, 54.7% of producers did not take husbandry notes and 64.9% did not take notes related to the economics. Of the respondents 82% make one milking and 18% two milkings per day in properties, the natural mating uncontrolled was the reproductive management more used. The average milk production on farms was 1125 liters of milk /cow/year and 3.1 liters/cow/day. This low productivity is due mainly to technological deficiency, non specialized animals and lack of technical assistance in the farms. Keywords : breeding system, cattle, pasture.