A Configurable Module Based Technology for Complex Engineering Process Management Systems

An integrated end-to-end lifecycle engineering process management system is deemed critical to boost the manageability, efficiency and responsiveness of an engineering enterprise. The challenge lies in the realization of such a system that is flexible and scalable. To overcome the challenge, a configurable module based system technology is developed to simplify the realization of a complex process management system and to offer the system a high level of flexibility and scalability. The technology is based on the belief that a complex process management system can be built by a set of static and process-based function modules. Each of the function modules consists of a set of categorized elements to meet the desired functional requirements. These categorized elements can be extracted into a unified process model upon which a configurable modular can be developed. The modular can be configured into a desired function module with specific functional requirements. The assignment of the function modules to the specific roles at the lifecycle processes forms a system. The technology has been successfully applied in a company specializing in make-to-order operations.© 2005 ASME