Achieving Optimal Mission Management through Mission Adaptive Propulsion Control

Exploiting the theoretical advantages of subsystem integration and highly complex vehicle configurations necessitate the implementation of Intelligent Propulsion Control architectures that optimally manage the subsystems under numerous operational scenarios. Many requirements of the propulsion control system will be flight-segment specific, requiring the implementation of adaptive control methods that can dynamically manage multiple, and often-conflicting mission objectives and numerous constraints. Multivariable control systems are being designed that optimize effector scheduling to best meet real-time varying missions’ requirements and limitations. Sophisticated on-board health management systems that can assess propulsion system capability in real-time are also being implemented, with a primary objective of supporting maintenance cost reduction. The integration of advanced controls with health management systems can serve as a basis for the implementation of adaptive propulsion systems. By extending the integration with the vehicle, the propulsion control system be designed to automatically adapt to various aircraft missions. This paper describes drivers for mission adaptation, key elements of adaptive systems, and how these elements can be integrated into vehicle level architectures for Mission Adaptive Propulsion Systems.