Getting trip generation right: Eliminating the bias against mixed use development
It is important that planners and developers recognize the implications of using standard ITE tripgeneration data and methodologies for mixed use developments and use methods that more accurately estimate traffic generated by these projects. Commonly used methods unjustifiably favor types of development that consume greater resources and generate greater impacts, shifting our attention away from development forms and locations that stimulate higher levels of social interaction and benefit to established communities. Researchers have attempted to analyze how a mix of uses in a compact, walkable project design affects trip generation and on-the-ground traffic impacts. In 2011, two major studies introduced methodologies for predicting traffic generation from mixed use development. The researchers on those studies have now collaborated to combine the advantages of both and provide, in this , an even more complete and reliable approach to measuring the benefits of such forms of development. Using this new approach, planners conducting trip-generation analysis for mixed use development projects will produce more accurate forecasts of traffic generation, which will allow more appropriate on-site design features and off-site mitigation measures.
[1] Reid Ewing,et al. Traffic Generated by Mixed-Use Developments—13-Region Study Using Consistent Built Environment Measures , 2011 .
[2] Benjamin R Sperry,et al. Enhancing Internal Trip Capture Estimation for Mixed-Use Developments , 2011 .
[3] Reid Ewing,et al. Travel and the Built Environment , 2010 .
[4] Edward T. Harrigan,et al. NAtioNAl CooperAtive HigHwAy reseArCH progrAm , 2013 .