The First Construction of Unconventional Type of Railway Superstructure in the ŽSR Infrastructure

Abstract In the introduction of the paper the unconventional type of railway superstructure (so called ballastless track) is briefly characterized from the point of view of its historical development. Its advantages and disadvantages related to the classic railway superstructure (rail skeleton placed in gravel railbed) are also stated here. In the further parts of this paper the built-in system of ballastless track RHEDA 2000® is characterized, using the example of the first application of the unconventional railway superstructure in the conditions of ŽSR, related to the construction of the tunnel Turecký vrch in the modernised V. multimodal corridor (line section Nove Mesto nad Vahom-Puchov). The conclusion states the methods of diagnostics of ballastless track, transitional areas and connecting sections with classic railway superstructure. This diagnostics is a part of a scientific project of experimental monitoring of the geometrical position of the track in the ongoing warranty period of the respective modernised line section; realized for the needs of DG of ŽSR by the workers of the Department of Railway Engineering and Track Management in cooperation with the Department of Geodesy of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Žilina.