An Analysis of Lemmings: A Swarming Approach to Mine Countermeasures in the VSW/SZ/BZ.
Abstract : Lemmings are autonomous tracked underwater vehicles which utilize a swarming approach to mine detection and neutralization in the very shallow water, surf and beach zones (VSW/SZ/BZ). The Navy and the Marine Corps are in great need of developing an effective 'in stride' clearance/breaching method to further enhance the effectiveness and viability of their littoral warfare skills. The Lemmings system has the potential to fulfill this critical need in a cost effective, reliable manner. Utilizing the Janus interactive wargaming simulation, an amphibious operation was modeled, with the amphibious landing taking place through a minefield in the littoral zones. Three scenarios of this model were developed: an amphibious landing through a minefield utilizing no clearing/breaching assets; an amphibious landing through a minefield utilizing current clearing/breaching assets; and an amphibious landing through a minefield utilizing Lemming swarms as the clearing/breaching assets. A comparative analysis of these three scenarios will be performed, examming the measures of effectiveness of landing vehicles killed/damaged, combat power ashore at a given time, MCM assets killed, and percentage of mines neutralized.