Simulation and or (operations research) in combination for practical optimization

Should we pool capacities or not? This is a question that one can regularly be confronted with in operations and service management. It is a question that necessarily requires a combination of queueing (as OR discipline) and simulation (as evaluative tool) and further steps for optimization. It was illustrated that a combined approach (SimOR) of simulation (techniques and tools) and classical operations research (queueing, linear programming and scheduling) can be most beneficial. First, an instructive example of parallel queues was provided which shows the necessary and fruitful combination of queueing and simulation. Next, the combined approach was also illustrated for the optimization of: call centers, checking-in at airports, blood platelet production, and train scheduling for railways. Whether we should pool or not is thus just one simple question for which this SimOR approach can be most fruitful if not necessary for practical optimization.