Fundamental Principles

Adopt a values-driven strategy. The Comprehensive Approach is built on a set of fundamental principles to guide decisions at both the policy and practice levels. These principles indicate that sex off ender management should be: Victim-centered. • When developing and implementing strategies to address sex off enders, policymakers and practitioners must always take into account the safety, interests, and needs of victims. Victim advocates play a key role by supporting victims and their families at all stages of the process, and are pivotal in helping other stakeholders adopt a victim-centered philosophy systemwide. Evidence-based. • A large body of “what works” research shows that recidivism can be reduced if evidence-based principles and practices are implemented eff ectively. Policymakers and practitioners alike should rely on this literature to inform sex off ender management eff orts, support additional research on sex off ender-specifi c strategies for which evidence is limited, and evaluate the eff ectiveness and impact of the strategies in their jurisdictions. Carried out by those with specialized knowledge. • This is a specialized fi eld that continues to evolve. Specialized knowledge ensures that laws and policies are well-informed. Specialized training and ongoing professional development equip practitioners with the knowledge and skills needed to manage these cases eff ectively. Engaging of the public. • Citizens play important roles in shaping the laws and policies that defi ne a given jurisdiction’s sex off ender management system and in contributing to sexual abuse prevention eff orts. The public should be viewed as a key stakeholder, provided with accurate information, and informed about the steps they can take to support eff ective management and prevention eff orts in their communities. Collaborative. • Preventing sexual victimization and enhancing public safety cannot be accomplished by any individual or entity alone. Stakeholders within and across disciplines must build meaningful partnerships at policy and practice levels, create a shared community safety vision, and ensure that their resources and approaches are strategically aligned.