[Research progress on proliferative property and capacity of human corneal endothelium].

Primary and secondary corneal endothelial decompensation leads to stromal edema, corneal opacity and loss of visual acuity. The pathogenesis of corneal endothelial decompensation is that adult corneal endothelium in vivo lacks of a robust proliferative response to injury, does not divide sufficiently to replace the lost cells. Previous studies indicate that cell-cell contact inhibition and transforming growth factor-beta2 (TGF-β2) in aqueous humor may be responsible for maintaining human endothelial cells in a non-replicative state in vivo. The results of the experimental investigation by using immunofluorescent staining of the cell cycle-associated proteins and cell proliferation marker Ki67 in corneal endothelium indicate that human corneal endothelial cells in vivo are arrested in the G1-phase and have not exited from the cell cycle. Successful outgrowth in culture of human corneal endothelial cells in vitro and the establishment of the immortalized human endothelial cell line, provide strong evidence that corneal endothelial cells retain proliferative capacity. Experiments with cell culture ex vivo demonstrate that corneal endothelial cells cultured from young donors grow more robustly than those from older donors, and cells cultured from peripheral area of corneas show greater cell density than central regions. Studies have demonstrated that in vitro human corneal endothelia undergo mitotic changes in response to stimulation of growth promoting agents, such as growth factors, EDTA and extracellular matrix. Identification of corneal endothelial stem cells and isolation and culture of human endothelial precursor cells in vitro will be beneficial for further investigation regarding the mechanism of corneal endothelial regeneration as well as corneal endothelial cells in vitro culture.