Cartilage production by rabbit articular chondrocytes on polyglycolic acid scaffolds in a closed bioreactor system

Rabbit articular chondrocytes were seeded onto three‐dimensional polyglycolic acid (PGA) scaffolds and placed into a closed bioreactor system. After 4 weeks of growth, meshes were examined for cartilage formation. Gross examination revealed solid, glistening material that had the appearance of cartilaginous tissue. Histologic examination revealed cell growth and deposition of extracellular matrix throughout the mesh with a less dense central core. Alcian blue and Safranin 0 staining showed deposition of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). Immunostaining showed positive reactivity for type II collagen and chondroitin sulfate and no reactivity for type I collagen. Biochemical analysis showed collagen and GAG values to be 15% and 25% dry weight, respectively. Our results indicate that this type of system compares well with those previously described and should be useful for producing cartilage for evaluation in a clinical setting. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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