We propose an admission control policy for wireless multimedia networks that is based on the well known threshold-based guard channel method. The new scheme deals with two different types of traffic classes; namely: voice and data. We assume two different thresholds, one for each traffic class. In addition. we propose to buffer the handoff data calls if no free channels are available rather than rejecting them. For handoff voice calls, we propose two methods. namely: a blocking method and a preemptive method. For the blockins method, we reject the handoff voice calls it no channels are available. For the precmptive method, an ongoing data call can be buffered and its channel allocated to the handoff voice call. We study the effect of the thresholds. buffer size and the application of the proposed methods on call blocking probabilities. It is shown that the new call blocking probabilities are only affected by the threshold values. Meanwhile, the data handoff blocking probability exhibited grcat improvement. For handoff voice calls, when the blocking method is applied. the blocking probability value increases slightly with the increase of buffer size. Meanwhile. for the preemptive method, the handoff voice call blocking probability significantly decreases as the buffer size increases. Based on these results. we develop an algorithm that uses the proposed policy to estimate the appropriate thresholds and buffer six which meet the required call blocking probabilities for each traffic type.
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Handover and channel assignment in mobile cellular networks
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Control and quality-of-service provisioning in high-speed microcellular networks
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Distributed call admission control in mobile/wireless networks
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US Air Force communications in Desert Storm
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Personal & wireless communications: digital technology & standards
Moshe Sidi,et al.
New call blocking versus handoff blocking in cellular networks
Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM '96. Conference on Computer Communications.