The Study of New National Institutional Ranking System Using ABCD Framework

The institutions of higher education in India are in need of infusion of quality and clarity on the approach of building world-class educational institutions in the Indian context and environment. New benchmarks of quality need to be defined to help overall system to move up on the quality spectrum. Research assessment and national ranking of Indian educational institutions can play an important role in improving performance and quality of academic institutions. Recently, the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India has identified various criteria and parameters that have global appeal e.g. research output, research impact, learning environment, etc. This framework called National Institutional Ranking Framework has also considered parameters like infrastructure, facilities for differently-abled persons, percentage of students from other states and other countries; percentage of women students and faculty, and percentage of economically and disadvantaged students. The framework has also given weightage to the sports and extra-curricular facilities available in the campuses of universities, which supports on overall development of students in a university. In this paper we have analyzed "National Institutional Ranking System" for higher educational institutions as a novel performance evaluation system using our recently developed analyzing framework called ABCD technique. Based on four constructs Advantages, Benefits, Constraints and Disadvantages, this system consider all determinant issues in key areas through analyzing the major issues and identifying the critical constituent elements.