Glossary of mineral species

FLEISCHER (M.). 1975 Glossary of Mineral Species. Bowie, Maryland (Min. Record, Inc.), 1975. v i+ I45 pp. Price $4.oo (send orders to Glossary of Mineral Species, P.O. Box 1o4o4, Alexandria, Virginia 22310 , U.S.A.). This is a revision of the first edition (I97I), incorporating new minerals and new data as of I January I975. Major innovations are the inclusion of the crystal system, the colour when distinctive, and a reference to the first description, to an abstract of the first description, or to a recent significant paper. The main listing remains the chemical formula, with special reference to polymorphs, similar minerals, and group relations. The treatment of mineral groups has been expanded with a listing of the members o f 28 groups; more references to discredited species are given. Diacritical marks are not included, except for umlauts. This handy little volume, listing authoritatively some 28oo mineral names together with chemical compositions and recent references, should without doubt be on every mineralogist's desk. R . A . Howm