Characterisation of particle size distributions and corresponding size-segregated turbulent fluxes simultaneously with CO2 exchange in an urban area.

Number and mass particle concentrations and fluxes were measured, simultaneously with CO2 concentration and flux, in the urban area of Lecce (Italy). The measurements of the turbulent exchanges of atmospheric particles and gas were performed with an eddy-covariance station located near the busiest road of the town. For the smaller particles, the diurnal evolution of the particle number concentrations and fluxes shows a clear correlation with human activities, in particular vehicular traffic, which is the obvious candidate as the source of the two clear peaks in the CPC concentration in the morning and in the evening. The fluxes were upward for all the measurement period, even though small net deposition was observed for larger particles and during weekend. For the CPC, the correlation with the traffic daily pattern is extremely strong. The city is a continuous particle source. The data analysis seems also to suggest the presence of local urban nucleation events. CO2 and particle concentrations were larger at low wind velocity, instead, fluxes were larger at high wind velocity. This opposite behaviour suggests that the influence of local urban emissions is larger on fluxes with respect to concentrations. The average daily patterns of CO2 concentration show an overlap between biogenic cycle and urban emissions. Again, traffic appears to be the dominant source for fluxes and the urban area is a net source of CO2.

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