Transesophageal Echocardiographic Diagnosis of Left Atrial Wall Dehiscene

Six months following Carbomedics mitral and aortic valve replacement, multiplane transesophageal echocardiography performed (TEE) in a 49‐year‐old black gentleman showed a prominent 1.0‐cm linear echo protruding into the left atrium at the mid‐interatrial septal level distal to the sewing ring. Plane angulations at 105 and 111 degrees demonstrated the linear echo to be related to left atrial wall dehiscence indicated by the presence of a cavitary defect at the same level. At the time of surgery, a 1.0 cm‐paravalvular defect and dehiscence of the left atrial wall distal to the sewing ring 2.0 centimeters anterior to the posteromedial commisure were found.