Electromagnetically induced absorption and transparency due to resonant two-field excitation of quasidegenerate levels in Rb vapor
Positive and negative subnatural-width resonances (SNWR) were observed in the absorption and fluorescence of rubidium vapor under excitation by two copropagating optical waves with variable frequency offset. The two optical fields resonantly couple Zeeman sublevels, belonging to the same ground-state hyperfine level (GSHL), to an intermediate excited state. The SNWR present opposite signs depending on which GSHL participates in the interaction with the two optical waves. For both Rb isotopes an increase in the transparency with reduced fluorescence occurs for the lower GSHL while the absorption and fluorescence are increased for the upper GSHL. The influence of external magnetic field, polarization, and intensity of applied optical fields on the SNWR is examined. The narrowest observed resonance has a width of 10 kHz (full width at half maximum). The origin of the SNWR is discussed in terms of coherent processes involving ground-state Zeeman sublevels.