Electro-Thermal Dynamic Stripping Process for in situ remediation under an occupied apartment building

The implementation and performance results of the Electro-Thermal Dynamic Stripping Process (ET-DSP™) used in combination with high-vacuum dual-phase extraction are presented here. The technology was selected to remove vapor pressure-sensitive benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, and xylene (BTEX) compounds from under an occupied residential apartment building. Operating within several engineering, environmental, and safety constraints, a design was developed to conduct electrical heating and in situ extraction operations without disruption of the daily activities of the residents within the apartment complex and general area. The results consistently showed a significant reduction in the concentration of hydrocarbons with non-detectable levels being achieved in all of the samples that were tested. This is a direct result of a substantial temperature increase of the soil and concurrent increase in the hydrocarbon vapor pressure from the ET-DSP™ system. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.