Linguistic Method - Essays in Honor of Herbert Penzl

s must be submitted by September 15, 1981, to: NWAVE Committee c /o William Labov Linguistics Laboratory 3732 Locust Walk Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 COLING 82: Call for Papers The Ninth International Conference on Computational Linguistics will be held July 5-10, 1982, in Prague, Czechoslovakia. The Conference is sponsored by the International Committee on Computational Linguistics, in association with the Linguistic Institute of L. Stnr, Slovak Academy of Science, Bratislava, and the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague. Papers are invited for presentation especially from the following domains: • theories, methods and problems of computational linguistics • relations of computational linguistics to computer science, mathematics, linguistics, artificial intelligence, etc. • representation of knowledge and inferencing as they relate to language understanding • applications of natural language processing: information retrieval, database query languages, question-answering, man-machine communication, machine translation and machine-aided translation, automatic understanding of texts, speech recognition and synthesis, etc. Four copies of a 3-4 page, double-spaced summary must be submitted by December 1, 1981, to: COLiNG 82 MFF UK, Linguistics Malostranske n. 25 118 00 Prague 1, CZECHOSLOVAKIA A Call for Papers, Panelists, and Suggestions for the 1982 NCC You are invited to attend and to participate in the National Computer Conference (NCC) to be held June 7-10, 1982, in the Houston Astrohall. Part of the famed Astrodomain complex, the Astrohall is touted as "America's largest one-level, air-conditioned convention facility." Its 550,000 square feet will help to fulfill the ever-increasing demand for exhibit space at the country's oldest and most prestigious computer conference. The NCC provides a unique annual forum for computer professionals in all fields and for data processing users to share their knowledge, experience, and research developments. In addition to the technical and professional program consisting of papers, panels, surveys, and tutorials, participants will find many other important features at NCC '82, including the largest exhibit of computer products and services in the world, a series of one-day professional development seminars, featured addresses and special conference activities. You can participate by: • volunteering to be a panelist • proposing a technical or panel session • writing a paper • suggesting special activities Deadline for submission of proposals for technical or panel sessions is September 15, 1981. Deadline for submission of papers is October 30, 1981. Authors will be notified by February 1, 1982, regarding acceptance. Send all submissions to: Dr. Howard L. Morgan NCC'82 Technical Program Chairman Department of Decision Sciences The Wharton School/CC University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 Eurocon '82 to be held in Copenhagen The Fifth European Conference on Electrotechnics, will take place in Copenhagen at The Technical University of Denmark, June 14-18, 1982. The Conference theme is Reliability in Electrical and Electronic Components and Systems. The conference program will be structured in such a way that it will be useful to electrical and electronic engineers, marketing experts, and other persons who are concerned with research and development, manufacturing, and applications of electrical and electronic systems. 122 American Journal of Computational Linguistics, Volume 7, Number 2, Apri l-June 1981 The FINITE STRING News le t te r Announcements Further details of the Conference may be obtained from: DIEU, Danish Enguneers' Post Graduate Institute The Technical University of Denmark, Bldg. 208 DK-2800 Lyngby, DENMARK Sixth European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research The Sixth European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research will be held April 12-15, 1982, at the University of Vienna, Austria, organized by the Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies. There will be plenary lectures and symposia on General Systems Methodology, Mathematical Systems Theory, Cybernetics in Biology and Medicine, Cybernetics in Cognition and Learning, Structure and Dynamics of SocioEconomic Systems, Cybernetics in Organizational Control, Engineering Systems Methodology, Fuzzy Sets Meeting of the EURO Working Group, Health Care Systems, Semiotic Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Systems Research on Science and Technology, and Cybernetics and Philosophy. For a Preliminary Program and Call for Papers, contact the Chairman: Professor Robert Trappl Department of Medical Cybernetics University of Vienna Freyung 6 /2 A-1010 Vienna, AUSTRIA To get further information about the society, or to become an international affiliate, contact: Ms. Ingeborg Steinacker Vice President, ASAI c /o Department of Medical Cybernetics University of Vienna Freyung 6 A-1010 Vienna, AUSTRIA AI at EMCSR 82: Call for Papers The Austrian Society for Artificial Intelligence and the Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies are coorganizing a symposium on Artificial Intelligence at the Sixth European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, April 13-16, 1982, in Vienna. (See announcements above.) Contributions concerning all aspects of AI will be considered. Acceptance of contributions will be determined on the basis of extended abstracts, summarizing the new material to be presented. Authors will be notified about acceptance not later than two months after receipt of the extended abstract. They will be provided with detailed instructions for the preparation of the full paper. Three reproducible copies of extended abstracts (2-4 double-spaced pages, 600-1200 words, in English), carrying the full title of the paper, the author's name, and the author's affiliation, in that order, must be submitted by December 1, 1981, to: Organizing Committee of the 6th EMCSR 82 Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies Schottengasse 3 A-1010 Vienna, AUSTRIA Austrian Al -Soc ie ty Founded The Austrian Society for Artificial Intelligence (ASAI) has been founded to promote the dissemination of information on AI, to facilitate cooperation between different AI researchers, and to support AI projects and training in Austria. Activities will include organizing lectures, workshops and conferences and issuing a (presumably) quarterly magazine. ASAI is organizing a symposium on AI at the Sixth European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research (EMCSR 82) in cooperation with the Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies. (See announcement above.) The symposium will be chaired by Patrick Winston, director of the MIT AI Laboratory, and Werner Horn, president of the society. Winston will also give a plenary lecture at the meeting. ASAI hopes to work in cooperation with people and organizations from European and non-European countries. Special SIGART Issue on Natural Language A special issue of the S I G A R T Newsletter on Natural Language Processing is being planned for next year. The intent of the issue is to provide a survey of current research activity in Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics. In February of 1977, Dave Waltz prepared a special issue of the Newsletter on this subject. People were asked to send in brief descriptions of their efforts. These notes were assembled and published, cross-referenced by topic. The result was a tremendously valuable compendium of current work in the field. Over 4 years have passed since the issue was published, so it seems appropriate to prepare an updated version at this time. Any individual or group that would like to have their current activities included is invited to submit a brief summary of their work. Submissions should include a title, names and affiliations of people involved American Journal of Computational Linguistics, Volume 7, Number 2, Apri l -June 1981 123 The FINITE STRING Newslet ter Announcements in the project, and recent or selected bibliographical references. Suggested content would be a summary of the main ideas of the effort, accomplishments, current focus, and future goals. Information about new or proposed projects is welcome, as well as information about work on languages other than English and from countries other than the United States. (Submissions must be written in English, however.) Summaries are limited to 3 double-spaced pages, including references and examples, and should be as brief as possible, avoiding details of representations, techniques and protocols beyond short examples. Long submissions will be subject to editing. Submissions should be sent to the Guest Editor at the address below (via ARPAnet if possible) prior to November 1, 1981. S. Jerrold Kaplan Computer Science Department Stanford University Stanford, California 94305