Design Parameters of Four-shank Vibrating Subsoiler

To achieve effective subsoiling with a medium size tractor (30-45 kW), a four-shank vibrating subsoiler was developed. The design parameters of amplitude, frequency, and vibrating angle were determined by preliminary tests using a single-shank vibrating subsoiler. Considering those results, the amplitude of 50 mm, frequency of 3.4 Hz, and vibrating angle of 30° were determined to be suitable. This amplitude is much larger and frequency is much smaller than used on conventional vibrating subsoilers. The performance of the prototype four-shank vibrating subsoiler was evaluated in terms of draft reduction, power requirements, and riding comfort. More than 60% of draft reduction was obtained. For a certain vibrating condition, the power increment was only 2% of non vibrating power requirement. Tractor seat vibrations were minimized to acceptable levels by balancing oscillating soil cutting forces and moments.