Framework of Theory and Technique about Reliability System Engineering

This paper introduce a-emerging discipline about failure and fault of system, named reliability system engineering, review the evolution in China since the idea emerged in 1991, give a definition of reliability system engineering and have a deep discussion about the theoretics and methodology in reliability system engineering. The framework about this discipline include three levels, the first level is basic law about failure mechanism, the second level is a set of basic techniques to prevent, control and repair failure/fault of system, the third level is the integration of basic law and basic techniques for engineering application. Finally, a brief perspectives on this emerging discipline is proposed. Reliability engineering is emerging as an important discipline for engineers of systems, but it did not simply appear, well-formed and clearly articulated, as a new concern for systems. Rather, it has emerged over time as a natural evolution of design abstraction, as engineers have searched for better ways to understand their systems and new ways to build more reliable systems.