Enabling user mobility for optical camera communication using mobile phone.

We propose and experimentally demonstrate an optical camera communication (OCC) supporting user mobility. A mobile test platform is designed to emulate user mobility. In the mobile scenario, dynamic column matrix selection algorithm is proposed to select an appropriate column matrix with high extinction-ratio (ER) while avoiding the blooming effect. The mobile phone is placed on the moving track to receive the visible light at a vertical distance of 60 cm. By varying the moving speed at 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 cm/s and lateral distance at 50 and 70 cm respectively, the system performance using the proposed algorithm is investigated. The experimental results show that with the increase of lateral distance (far from the light source) and user moving speed, the system performance gets degraded. Moreover, it demonstrates that the mobile system can achieve a throughput of 4.08 kbps under a low illuminance of 275 lx.