Structure of caveolae.

The introduction of the electron microscope to the study of the biological materials in the second half of the last century has dramatically expanded our view and understanding of the inner workings of cells by enabling the discovery and study of subcellular organelles. A population of flask-shaped or spherical invaginations of the plasma membrane were described and named plasmalemmal vesicles or caveolae. Until the discovery of caveolin-1 as their first molecular marker in early 1990s, the study of caveolae was the exclusive domain of electron microscopists that demonstrated caveolae at different surface densities in most mammalian cells with few exceptions. Electron microscopy techniques in combination with other approaches have also revealed the structural features of caveolae as well as some of their protein and lipid residents. This review summarizes the data on the structure and components of caveolae and their stomatal diaphragms.

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[26]  K. Uehara,et al.  Tubular invaginations with caveolae and coated pits in the sinus endothelial cells of the rat spleen , 1999, Histochemistry and Cell Biology.

[27]  M. Bundgaard,et al.  Endothelial plasmalemmal vesicles as elements in a system of branching invaginations from the cell surface. , 1979, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[28]  D. Dietzen,et al.  Oligomerization of VIP21‐caveolin in vitro is stabilized by long chain fatty acylation or cholesterol , 1996, FEBS letters.


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[31]  Grzegorz Sowa,et al.  The phosphorylation of caveolin-2 on serines 23 and 36 modulates caveolin-1-dependent caveolae formation , 2003, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[32]  M. Bundgaard,et al.  The three-dimensional organization of plasmalemmal vesicular profiles in the endothelium of rat heart capillaries. , 1983, Microvascular research.

[33]  G. Ramponi,et al.  Tyrosine-phosphorylated Caveolin Is a Physiological Substrate of the Low M r Protein-Tyrosine Phosphatase* , 2001, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

[34]  R. Parton,et al.  Lipid Rafts and Caveolae as Portals for Endocytosis: New Insights and Common Mechanisms , 2003, Traffic.

[35]  Torao Yamamoto,et al.  Endothelial vesicular system in rapid‐frozen muscle capillaries revealed by serial sectioning and deep etching , 1987, The Anatomical record.

[36]  P. Scheiffele,et al.  Caveolin-1 and -2 in the Exocytic Pathway of MDCK Cells , 1998, The Journal of cell biology.

[37]  F. Sotgia,et al.  Increased number of caveolae and caveolin-3 overexpression in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. , 1999, Biochemical and biophysical research communications.

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[40]  D. James,et al.  Characterization of a Distinct Plasma Membrane Macrodomain in Differentiated Adipocytes* , 2002, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

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[45]  A. Dvorak,et al.  The Vesiculo–Vacuolar Organelle (VVO): A New Endothelial Cell Permeability Organelle , 2001, The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society.

[46]  M. Kanzaki,et al.  Caveolin-associated Filamentous Actin (Cav-actin) Defines a Novel F-actin Structure in Adipocytes* , 2002, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

[47]  Lucas Pelkmans,et al.  Local Actin Polymerization and Dynamin Recruitment in SV40-Induced Internalization of Caveolae , 2002, Science.

[48]  Richard G. W. Anderson,et al.  Sites of Ca(2+) wave initiation move with caveolae to the trailing edge of migrating cells. , 2002, Journal of cell science.

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[52]  H. Kogo,et al.  Isoforms of caveolin-1 and caveolar structure. , 2000, Journal of cell science.

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[63]  M. Lisanti,et al.  Cellular stress induces the tyrosine phosphorylation of caveolin-1 (Tyr(14)) via activation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase and c-Src kinase. Evidence for caveolae, the actin cytoskeleton, and focal adhesions as mechanical sensors of osmotic stress. , 2001, The Journal of biological chemistry.

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