Design and Experimental Evaluation of a Cross-Layer Deadline-Based Joint Routing and Spectrum Allocation Algorithm

The design and implementation of a novel distributed deadline-based routing and spectrum allocation algorithm for tactical ad-hoc networks is reported in this article. Different traffic classes including text, voice, surveillance video, and threat alert among others need to be handled by these networks. Each of these traffic classes have different quality of service (QoS) based deadline requirements. Additionally, these networks are characterized by dynamic channel and traffic conditions that vary with time and location. Even under these conditions, it is critical to receive packets before the deadline expires to make rapid decisions in the battlefield. Therefore, a tactical ad-hoc network should be able to adapt to these requirements and maximize the number of packets delivered to the destination within the specified deadline. A distributed deadline-based routing and spectrum allocation algorithm is designed to maximize the utilization of the available resources and ensure delivery of packets within the deadline constraints. To this end, a weighted virtual queue (VQ) that is used to construct the network utility function is defined. Accordingly, the optimal session, next hop, transmit power, and frequency is determined by the distributed algorithm to ensure efficient utilization of the available resources. Hence, maximizing the delivery of packets to the intended destination within the specified deadline. The 49 node simulation shows up to 35 percent improvement in effective throughput and 26 percent improvement in reliability as compared to joint ROuting and Spectrum Allocation algorithm (ROSA), which does not adapt according to the deadline requirements of the data flowing through the network. As a secondary objective, this work advances the state of the art of the experimental cross-layer framework to address the challenges involved in having such cross-layer algorithms implemented on a testbed. The required flexibility to change the transmission parameters on-the-fly is provided by the proposed framework. The network is designed to enable the data exchange between neighbors using custom designed control packets (which might be different for different algorithms) since this information is critical for nodes to perform optimization. Cross-layer optimization is achieved by means of data management and control entities that enable information exchange between layers. The practicality of the proposed solution was proven by having the novel algorithm implemented on a five-node software defined radio testbed which leverages the proposed cross-layer framework. In contrast to ROSA, the proposed algorithm demonstrated up to 17 percent improvement in terms of throughput and reliability. The performance improvement achieved is expected to increase on a larger network deployment.

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