Urban material characterization from the Hyperion hyperspectral imager: application to downtown Montreal (Quebec, Canada)

The present work analyzes the potential of NASA EO-1 Hyperion imaging spectrometer to characterize urban structure from summer-based cloud free data over downtown Montreal (Quebec, Canada). This spaceborne hyperspectral sensor provides Earth imagery at 30 m spatial resolution, 7.5 km swath in 220 contiguous spectral bands between 400 and 2500 nm with 10 nm spectral resolution. The investigations were carried out from a slight off-nadir imagery over Montreal (Canada) in order to respond to wireless telecommunication needs. A compiled urban material spectral library is also considered. Reduction to ground radiance (apparent reflectance) was achieved from several calibration procedures. Thereafter, well-established mapping techniques were considered to characterize urban materials, especially roofs and walls of buildings. The preliminaries results highlight the potential of spaceborne hyperspectral for urban space characterization.