Cryogenic Technology for CMB

Future space telescopes such as CMBPol, SAFIR, DARWIN, SPICA and XEUS will require cooling to very low temperatures. Staged cooling is the most efficient means of achieving low temperature in an observatory or instrument with the least cost and mass. The first stage is usually passive radiators taking advantage of views to deep space. In the past stored cryogen systems provided the next lower stagesof cooling. Mechanical cryocoolers represent a significant enabling technology, especially at the lower temperatures where the passive coolers’ effectiveness is limited. These coolers are in general lighter, have more cooling capability, and more operationally flexible than stored cryogens. Sub Kelvin cooling is required for many of the most sensitive detectors. For fundamental reasons, microcalorimeters and bolometers must be cooled to extremely low temperature to achieve their ultimate resolution and, eventually, background-limited detection. The state of the art for these cryogenic cooling technologies are presented along with plans to advance the technology readiness level to enable these future missions. 1. Passive Cooling When designing a low temperature system for an instrument or an observatory it is most efficient to use multiple stage of cooling – both for thermodynamic efficiency and to utilize optimal cooling techniques for the various temperature ranges. The first (warmest) stage of cooling is usually passive. Passive cooling systems block parasitic heat inputs from the Sun, Earth, spacecraft and other warm components from reaching the low temperature stages. Passive cooling systems also take advantage of the biggest heat sink in the universe to radiate heat to deep space. V-Groove radiators provide one or more stages of radiation in an optimal direction defined by the “V” while blocking radiated heat from the other directions[1]. Planck is a good example of a multi-stage, fixed V-groove radiator[2]. A larger, very light weight, deployable version of a V groove radiator can be found in the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) sunshield[3]. (See Figure 2.) The shield is made up of 5 layers of aluminized or Si coated Kapton to provide more than 40 dB of attenuation of the incident sunlight power while radiating to space out the gaps between layers. The size and mass limitations limit the membrane shape and layer separation that can be achieved on the ground. This, in turn, limits the testability of the design. Technology Development for a CMB Probe of Inflation IOP Publishing Journal of Physics: Conference Series 155 (2009) 012008 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/155/1/012008 c © 2009 IOP Publishing Ltd 1 Because of the proximity, angular coverage and varying direction of thermal radiation and reflected sunlight from the Earth, low Earth orbit (LEO) is thermally inferior to a deep space orbit like the Earth-Sun L2 Lagrange point or a drift-away orbit. L2 was used by the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) which radiatively achieved 90 K[4], and will be used by Herschel[5] and Planck, followed by JWST (27 K on the instrument radiators). With a very simple fixed shield and radiator, Spitzer has achieved 34 K in a drift-away solar orbit[6], while the outer shell of the COBE dewar in LEO reached 138 K. Note that while the cosmic microwave background temperature is 2.73 K, deep space is effectively 7 K due to inner solar system dust[7]. This difference is not a practical limitation, however, due to the T dependence of radiation and the other practical limitation on radiators, such as conductive supports. The difference between the two space temperatures on the radiation from the Spitzer outer shell at 34 K is only 0.2%. The Spitzer observatory consists of a 0.85 m diameter telescope cooled to 5.5 K by the boil-off gas from a superfluid helium dewar. The telescope is mounted directly to the dewar and supported from a radiative cooled outer shell with a vapor cooled shield in between. See Figure 1. The helium dewar is described in the next section. The outer shell, which is cooled entirely by radiation, is silvered on the side facing the solar array and the sun and is painted with Ball InfraRed Black (BIRB) on the deep space facing side. The radiative performance turned out to be as predicted based on heat load from the solar array, the conduction of the outer shell and the emissivity of the BIRB[6]. The thermal testing of passive cooling systems is problematic not only due to the size and gravity effects, but also due to the difficulty of achieving and measuring milliwatt heat loads in the presence of kilowatts of thermal radiation from room temperature spacecraft components within the same thermal/vacuum chamber. A very big thermal driver is the difference between real chamber walls and empty space. The warm spacecraft and any solar simulator can be seen by the cold portions of the instrument through reflections off these walls. The chamber also needs to be cold enough so that radiation from the wall itself is not significant. Even a great observatory like Spitzer could not afford a test that would adequately simulate the thermal environment of space. The “inexpensive” compromise test that was run on Spitzer resulted in a heat load to the instrument that was 10 times the actual on-orbit value, so was of little use in predicting on orbit behavior. To overcome this limitation it is proposed that the problem be attacked in two ways: make and test a subscale hardware model of the thermal system of a realistic large space telescope and perform a thermal model on this subscale model and test conditions; and outfit the test chamber with the appropriate thermal baffling and cold black body surfaces to achieve a more space-like thermal Figure 1. The Spitzer Space Telescope outer shell cools radiatively to 34 K. Figure 2. The James Webb Space Telescope will cool its telescope radiatively to 40 K and its instruments to 27 K. Technology Development for a CMB Probe of Inflation IOP Publishing Journal of Physics: Conference Series 155 (2009) 012008 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/155/1/012008

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