The small satellite Flying Laptop, launched in July 2017, was developed and built by PhD, graduate and undergraduate students at the Institute of Space Systems (IRS) of the University of Stuttgart with assistance by industry and research institutions. The project goals include technology demonstration, earth observation and improving the education of students at the University of Stuttgart in the fields of satellite development, integration, test, and operations. The satellite is operated from the IRS by a team of students applying different professional tools, e. g. ESA's SCOS-2000 for command and control. To execute in-orbit operations from the IRS, infrastructure was set up and taken into operation before the launch of the satellite. Furthermore, an operations team consisting of undergraduate, graduate, and PhD students was trained for in-orbit operations. Beginning with the launch from Baikonur, the team successfully operated the satellite through the first critical days in which the system was taken into operation, followed by the commissioning phase and eventually routine operations. This paper highlights the ground infrastructure set up for the operations of the Flying Laptop mission, operations preparations and execution through the different mission phases, as well as some operational experience and developments during the first year of in-orbit operations.