토카막 장치에서 자석 구조물의 조립에 관한 검토 KSTAR TF
TF magnet structures are the main structural components in the KSTAR magnet systems to protect
the superconducting coils from mechanical, electrical, and thermal loads. TF coil structure supports CS
and PF coil system. The inter-coil structure contains adjustable shear keys and conical bolts to provide
pre-loading in toroidal direction and to resist against in-plane and out-of-plane forces that are the most
critical loads on the TF magnet system. The conical bolts and shear keys are specially designed to
assemble easily and to provide a convenient accommodation for a good alignment. The connection plate
that is one of the prototype fabrications had been manufactured to study adjustability of conical bolts
and shear keys for assembly of TF coil structure. We could measure the misalignments at the keyways
and conical holes with the misalignment measuring instrument.