Modelling and analysis of time-variant directed interrelations between brain regions based on BOLD-signals

Time-variant Granger Causality Index (tvGCI) was applied to simulated and measured BOLD signals to investigate the reliability of time-variant analysis approaches for the identification of directed interrelations between brain areas on the basis of fMRI data. Single-shot fMRI data of a single image slice with short repetition times (200 ms, 16000 frames/subject, 64x64 voxels) were acquired from 5 healthy subjects during an externally-driven, self-paced finger-tapping paradigm (57-59 single taps for each subject). BOLD signals were derived from the pre-supplementary motor area (preSMA), the supplementary motor area (SMA), and the primary motor cortex (M1). The simulations were carried out by means of a Dynamic Causal Modelling (DCM) approach. The tvGCI as well as time-variant Partial Directed Coherence (tvPDC) were used to identify the modelled connectivity network (connectivity structure - CS - of the DCM). Different CSs were applied by using dynamic systems (Generalized Dynamic Neural Network - GDNN) and trivariate autoregressive (AR) processes. The influence of the low-pass characteristics of the simulated hemodynamic response (Balloon model) and of the measuring noise was tested. Additionally, our modelling strategy considered "spontaneous" BOLD fluctuations before, during, and after the appearance of the event-related BOLD component. Couplings which were extracted from the simulated signals were statistically evaluated (tvGCI for shuffled data, confidence tubes for tvGCI courses). We demonstrate that connections of our CS models can be correctly identified during the event-related BOLD component and with signal-to-noise-ratios corresponding to those of the measured data. The results based on simulations can be used to examine the reliability of connectivity identification based on BOLD signals by means of time-variant as well as time-invariant connectivity measures and enable a better interpretation of the analysis results using fMRI data. A readiness-BOLD response was only detected in one subject. However, in two subjects a strong time-variant connection (tvGCI) from preSMA to SMA was observed 3 s before the tapping was executed. This connection was accompanied by a weaker rise of the tvGCI from preSMA to M1. These preceding interrelations were confirmed in the other subjects by the dynamics of tvGCI courses. Based on the results of tvGCI analysis, the time-evolution of an individual connectivity network is shown for each subject.

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