Control of a Hybrid Electric Truck Based on Driving Pattern Recognition

2250 G.G. Brown Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2125 USA Phone : +(734) 936-0352 Fax : +(734) 764-4256 E-mail : The design procedure of a multi-mode power management control strategy with driving pattern recognition is proposed. The design goal of the control strategy is to minimize fuel consumption and engine-out NOx and PM emissions on diversified driving schedules. Six representative driving patterns (RDP) are designed based on the driving characteristics to represent different driving scenarios. For each RDP, the Dynamic Programming (DP) technique is utilized to find the optimal control actions. The implementable, sub-optimal control algorithms are then extracted by analyzing the behavior of the DP control actions. The driving pattern recognition (DPR) method is subsequently used to classify the current driving pattern into one of the RDPs to select proper control algorithm. This “multi-mode” control scheme was tested on several driving cycles and found to work satisfactorily. Keywords / Hybrid Electric Vehicles, Powertrain Control, Heavy Duty Vehicles, Driving Pattern Recognition