Insights on geologic and vegetative controls over hydrologic behavior of a large complex basin – Global Sensitivity Analysis of an integrated parallel hydrologic model

Summary This study demonstrated the first application of a GSA technique to a transient ISSHM–LSM application developed for a large-scale river basin. The Morris method was used to identify the spatially and temporally variable sensitivity amongst a large number of model parameters to provide insights on hydrologic processes dominating behavior in the basin and to identify a small subset of parameters that should be evaluated in subsequent, more computationally intensive quantitative GSA and parameter estimation techniques. Results showed that in the upper region of the basin, evapotranspiration (ET), total streamflow and peak streamflow were less sensitive to surficial aquifer system characteristics, but highly sensitive to the hydraulic conductivity of the confining unit separating the surficial aquifer and the regional aquifer system and leaf area index of near stream vegetation. In the lower region of the basin, hydraulic conductivity of the regional aquifer system was found to have a significant effect on ET, total stream flow, and groundwater contributions to streamflow while surface–groundwater dynamics during storm events was most sensitive to storage properties of the regional aquifer system. Peak streamflow in the lower basin was most sensitive to the hydraulic conductivity of the confining unit in the upper basin, and the Manning’s coefficient of upper basin streams, indicating that all peak storm flows originate in the upper basin. Throughout the basin ET was sensitive to soil/geologic properties and vegetation properties, with unsaturated zone processes and relevant parameters gaining importance in moisture limited conditions existing in the lower regions of the basin.

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