New Availability Features of Local Area VAXcluster Systems

the VAXcluster system to VMS version 5.4-3 increases tolerate and work around the availability of local network failures. area VAXcluster (LAVc) This paper describes the configurations by allowing availability features added the use of multiple local to local area VAXcluster area network (LAN) adapters (LAVc) support in VMS in the VAXcluster system. version 5.4-3. These Availability is increased features support multiple by enabling fail-over local area network (LAN) between LAN adapters, adapters, reduce the time reducing channel failure required to detect network detection time, and path (channel) failures, providing better network and provide additional troubleshooting. Combined, support for network these changes significantly troubleshooting. (Table increase the availability 1 presents definitions for of LAN-based VAXcluster terms used throughout the configurations by allowing paper.) Table 1 LAVc Terminology