Climate change is now scientific fact, and it is equally firmly established that it is of anthropogenic origins, mainly attributed to the burning of fossil fuels. If future generations are to inherit a living, and livable planet, which is self-evidently their right, the current inhabitants have no alternative but to dispense with fossil fuels as a source of power. It is demonstrated here that technically this can clearly be secured before 2050 by transitioning to renewable sources of energy, backed up by ‘clean’ nuclear power. However, effective deployment of these geographically widely dispersed power sources will require power sharing among groups of nations and grid interconnections on a continent spanning basis. It is suggested that effective progress towards the realization of such distributed systems is unlikely to be achieved without cooperative planning and implementation across many nations. An example of this is beginning to emerge in Europe.
N. Meinshausen,et al.
Warming caused by cumulative carbon emissions towards the trillionth tonne
J. Hansen,et al.
Assessing “Dangerous Climate Change”: Required Reduction of Carbon Emissions to Protect Young People, Future Generations and Nature
PloS one.
Joseph Romm,et al.
The hype about hydrogen
IEEE Engineering Management Review.
K. Shine,et al.
Intergovernmental panel on Climate change (IPCC),in encyclopedia of Enviroment and society,Vol.3
Alan J. Sangster.
Energy for a Warming World
Dennis L. Meadows,et al.
Limits to growth : the 30-year update