A LowPowerFolded RFFront-end withLowFlicker NoiseforDirect Conversion Receiver
Thispaperpresents theimplementation Thefolded architecture andthecurrent reused andperformance measurements ofRF front-end to architecture havebeenusedtoreduce powerconsumption reducetheflicker noiseandpowerconsumption in (1)-(4). Thefolded architecture isproperforcascode TSMC 0.18um process for2.4GHz ISMband.The circuits having alarge difference withrequired current proposed RF front-end iscomposedoffolded mixersflow. Byconverting thecascode circuits tothecascade and differential low noiseamplifiers (LNA).circuits, redundant current consumption canbeminimized, Gilbert-cell mixersusingthefolded technique have andthesupply voltage canbemuchlowered. Thecurrent beendesigned forlowflicker noiseandlowpower reused architecture isuseful forbetween cascaded circuits consumption. The proposedRF front-end is having muchcurrent consumption. As thecascaded implemented by usingPMOS devices inswitching circuits areconverted intostacked circuits, separated stageofmixerswitha resonating inductor forlow current paths arecombined; consequently, thetotal power flicker noise. Theproposed RF front-end consumesconsumption canbedecreased. 7.34mW from1.2V supply voltage, while conversion Inthis paper, alowflicker noise RF front-end with gainof23dBisachieved. The11P3is-7.4 dBm,andthe lowpowerconsumption isdesigned by thefolded proposed RF front-end hasgoodlinearity. Flickerarchitecture witharesonating inductor andPMOS device noise of10dBat1kHzisacceptable value, andthus inswitching stage ofmixers. Duetolowflicker noise proposedRF front-end can be usedin directcharacteristic, theproposed RFfront-end canbeapplied to conversion receiver foranarrowbandwidth. thedirect conversion receiver ina narrowbandsystem suchasBluetooth orZigBee. Forlowpowerconsumption, I.INTRODUCTION folded architecture andcurrent reused architecture are applied simultaneously. Transconductance stageand According tothegrowth ofwireless communication switching stage ofmixerarefolding, andcurrent reused industry, demandofshort rangewireless communications architecture isapplied between LNAandtransconductance suchaswireless personal areanetwork (WPAN)standards stage ofmixers. Bycombining twomethods, theproposed isincreased fast tosubstitute thewireline. Short range RFfront-end canachieve lowpowerconsumption. wireless communication commonly requires lowpower Thispaperisorganized asfollows: Section IIcovers consumption andhighintegration toachieve lowcost. As thenoise characteristic ofthefolded mixer. Section III CMOS technology scaling, lowpowerdissipation circuitexplains thedesign process oftheproposed RFfront-end. design andhighintegrated circuit design havebeen Section IVshowsthesimulation andmeasurement results. improved.