Utilization Slurry Coal-Water Fuel

The opportunity of technological and modified lignosulphonate wastes, process water, oxygenized brown coal with high content huminic acid (to 60 %) with alkali usage as plasticizer agent in the coal-water slurry (CWS) production technological process was checked. The CWS stability scheme in alkali additives interaction was suggested. The bituminous and brown coal mixture (10 : 90) CWS was investigated. The anthracite and brown coal relation is from 5 to 95. The discovered regularities demonstrated the slurry properties optimization opportunity in industrial conditions by combined changing of additive quantity and coal physical-chemical composition. The suggested CWS production technology allows solving some questions of ecological safety and resource-saving at the expense of the sources of raw materials assortment expansion. The CWS production industrial scheme on production run equipment without its modernization is developed.