서울시 주요 터널내 기체상 오염물질 농도 측정
【Gaseous pollutants in Namsan Nos. 1, 2, and 3 tunnels and Pukak tunnel were measured along the road by an air-monitoring van from the evening of February 9 to the morning of February 12 in 1993. Average concentrations of pollutants in Namsan tunnels were 9.2-13.5 ppm CO and 0.037-0.047 ppm SO $_{2}$ . Average concentrations of SO $_{2}$ in Pukak tunnel was 0.79 ppm, higher than those in Namsan tunnels, due to the traffic of heavy-duty buses and trucks. The pollutant concentrations in Namsan tunnesl could be explained by emission of passenger cars using unleaded gasolin and LPG taxies. Average concentration of NO $_{x}$ in Namsan tunnels was at least 1.1 ppm, estimated from the emission factor of pasenger cars using unleaded gasoline. Pollutant concentrations in Namsan No. 3 tunnel were higher at the exit because of the piston action of air mass in the tunnel provided by the traffic. Fans installed at Namsan and Pukak tunnes could be useful, but their flushing action of ambient air in the tunnel was not clearly observed.d.】