Intel ® Xeon ® Processor E 7 Family : Reliability , Availability , and Serviceability Advanced data integrity and resiliency support for mission-critical deployments EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Today‟s businesses increasingly depend on Intel® Xeon®-based servers to run dataintensive and mission-critical applications. Server reliability, availability, and serviceability (RAS) are crucial issues for modern enterprise IT shops that deliver mission-critical applications and services, as application delivery failures can be extremely costly per hour of system downtime. Furthermore, the likelihood of such failures increases statistically with the size of the servers, data, and memory required for these deployments. . The Intel® Xeon® processor E7 family offers an extensive and robust set of RAS features in silicon to provide error detection, correction, containment, and recovery in all processors, memory, and I/O data paths. This feature set is a powerful foundation upon which hardware and software vendors can build higher-level RAS layers to provide overall server reliability across the entire hardware-software stack from silicon to application delivery and services. The Intel Xeon processor E7 family delivers all these features at a highly competitive price point and power consumption level compared to traditional RISC-based solutions in the market.