The Product’s Degree of Maturity as a Measurement for the Efficiency of Design Iterations

In this contribution a framework for evaluating design iterations and for assessing the effects of design iterations on the product?s degree of maturity is introduced. Thereby, the product's degree of maturity is understood as being based on the products behavior since it is seen as the relevant measurement for the fulfillment of customers? requirements. Therefore, a distinction of the terms "function", "characteristics", "properties" and "behavior" is given and the product's behavior is described based on its characteristics and properties. Furthermore a differentiation between the terms "progress of the development process" and "product's degree of maturity" and a definition for these terms will be given. In addition, some fundamental challenges for evaluating the product's degree of maturity are depicted. An important connection between design iterations and the product's degree of maturity is drawn. Based on this, a framework for evaluating the effects of design iterations on the product?s degree of maturity is introduced. Finally, a specific value is purposed for the appropriate measurement and evaluation of the efficiency of design iterations.