Introduction: Biochemistry is the key subjects for a clinical diagnosis because that’s depends on laboratory
analysis of body fluids. Detailed information of clinical biochemistry is essential for proper diagnosis
of clinical and its effective management . Very little is known about the students’ perceptions towards
improving the teaching of biochemistry.
Materials and Methods: Data was analysed from feedback forms of a questionnaire study from the first
year students of a medical college in India. The self administered questionnaire which were related to
liking the subject of biochemistry, rating of the different topics and the effectiveness of teaching methods.
Results: Regarding coordinated approach with multiple teaching tools like Didactic lecture (DL), Group
Based Learning (GBL),Video Based Learning( VBL ) ,Case Based Learning (CBL) most students felt
that it was useful toward understand biochemistry better (79%),learn biochemistry better (83%),find out
importance of biochemistry in future medicine (84%),prepare for university examination (81%). Practical
exercises, lectures, exams, and other methods have been found by majority of the students to be the
excellent or very good methods, for effectively teaching biochemistry.
Conclusions: Through the study, depending on the topic to be covered the combination of the teaching
methods is beneficial to improve the understanding and retaining of the subjects better as perceived by the
Keywords: Didactic lecture, Group Based Learning, Video Based Learning, Case Based Learning multiple teaching tools
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