Urinary ascites with pelvic urinoma presenting as ovarian neoplasm: Clinical and ultrasonographic features

Background: The majority of ureteric injuries associated with an operation are the result of gynecologic surgery. Thus, gynecologists must be aware of this risk and appreciate that ureteric injury can present late and in an unusual manner. Case: A 26‐year‐old woman presented with gross abdominal distention 4 months after total abdominal hysterectomy. Ultrasonography demonstrated a large volume of ascitic fluid and a complex cyst arising from the left ovary. Serum blood urea nitrogen and creatinine were normal. Laparotomy showed a mass of 1‐2‐cm cysts (urinomas) on the pelvic peritoneum and tubo‐ovarian surfaces and a right hydroureter with a right ureteric fistula at the level of the ureteric tunnel. A ureteroneocystostomy was performed. Conclusion: Ureteroperitoneal fistula with urinary ascites is a rare complication of pelvic surgery. Intravenous urography or computed tomography scan would have helped establish the diagnosis. (Obstet Gynecol 1993;82:644‐6)