사회-공간 네트워크 분석을 통한 주민센터의 건축프로그램 도출 방법에 관한 연구

The purpose of this study is to derive the architectural programming method for the community service center using Socio-Spatial Network Analysis. This study focused on the reflection of users" opinions to the architectural program of public buildings. This study assumed that the architectural program is equal to the network consisting of people"s desires for spaces. And it assumed that the architectural programming is a process to pro-graphein(beforehand-write) the spatial structure as a network of users" opinions. Thus we used the network analysis method on local residents" opinions for the space in the community service center. As a result, we identified the qualitative characteristics of spaces and spatial areas through the centrality analysis, the structural equivalence analysis, the Girvan-Newman algorithm analysis. Through the centrality analysis with edge betweenness centrality analysis, we were able to identify the properties of spaces and the positions of main communal space. Through the structural equivalence analysis and the Girvan-Newman algorithm analysis, we were able to derive the properties of spatial areas and spatial communities. In the end, we were able to grasp the architectural program as socio-spatial network of community service center.