An experimental study of the incompressible flow near the side edge of a finite flat plate at zero incidence is reported for the Reynolds number range 10 4 to 10 6 , but comparison with data already published shows that the conclusions are quantitatively valid for Reynolds numbers up to 10 9 . The laminar velocity field is everywhere convex and does not contain any secondary flow other than that of the normal diffusive growth of the layer, but has a logarithmic singularity at the edge where the stress is controlled by the local radius of curvature. The excess skin friction due to the edge is considerably greater than that given by calculations based on the Rayleigh approximation but agrees with a recent Pohlhausen calculation by Varley (1958). Near the edge the high stress and ease of momentum diffusion makes the flow very unstable and turbulent spots occur well upstream of the normal transition zone in the middle of the plate. The spots originate from a nearly point-like region at the edge of the plate and grow linearly in time at the same rate as ordinary turbulent spots to sweep out a narrow tongue of turbulent fluid near the edge until they merge with the normal transition zone. Within this tongue a weak secondary flow of Prandtl's second kind, driven by the anisotropic Reynolds stresses, begins to develop. In fully turbulent flow when the secondary flow is largely localized to within a few boundary-layer thicknesses of the edge the secondary flow velocities are everywhere less than 0.04 of the free-stream velocity. Nevertheless, the secondary flows from each of the side edges interact, regardless of the width of the plate, to increase the total drag coefficient by an amount 0·0004 which is independent both of the Reynolds number and the width of the plate except when it is very narrow. This simple result allows apparent discrepancies between various formulations of the drag coefficient of a finite plate to be reduced to less than ± 1% S.D. Of these formulations Schoenherr's (1932) empirical relation agrees best with the present data.
Lord Rayleigh,et al.
LXXXII. On the motion of solid bodies through viscous liquid
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Some properties of boundary layer flow during the transition from laminar to turbulent motion
Journal of Fluid Mechanics.
Franklin K. Moore,et al.
Three-Dimensional Boundary Layer Theory
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Rayleigh's problem for a semi-infinite plate
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.
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Boundary Layer Theory
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Visualization of Boundary-Layer Flow
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The axisymmetric boundary layer on a long thin cylinder
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences.
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An approximate boundary layer theory for semi-infinite cylinders of arbitrary cross-section
Journal of Fluid Mechanics.
H. W. Emmons,et al.
The Laminar-Turbulent Transition in a Boundary Layer-Part I