[Contusion ruptures of the ocular capsule along postoperative corneo-limbic scars].
Clinical picture, variants of surgical treatment, and anatomic and functional outcomes of contusion ruptures of the eyeball at the site of postoperative corneolimbic cicatrices are described. Such traumas can occur even 9-10 years after keratotomy. The majority of unfavorable outcomes in such patients are due to retinal and vitreous abnormalities, such as hemophthalmia or detachment of the retina. Ruptures of corneolimbic cicatrices in patients after cataract extraction with or without implantation of intraocular lenses are more frequent during the first months after surgery; an indirect contusion is sufficient to cause them. The incidence of fibrous capsule ruptures does not depend on the localization of the cicatrice and type of suture. Ruptures of cicatrices on artiphakic eyes almost always involve falling of intraocular lenses into the wound. An intact diaphragmatic function of the iris and transparent optic media are prognostically favorable factors in such patients.