THE SAFETY ETHIC: Where can you get one?

Abstract What do you know about safety ethics? We sometimes talk about the safety ethic of this or that person or organization, but it is difficult to find a uniform understanding or definition of this ethic. Having a safety ethic is important to all of us since it is the basis for our value of safety and it can affect our survival or the survival of others. This paper describes a search to identify the elements of a strong safety ethic and includes several sources that suggest and support each element. The rationale for each of its elements are presented along with some interpretative guidelines so that we have a common ground for understanding each part of the safety ethic. It concludes by presenting—The Safety Ethic: I value safety, work safely, prevent at-risk behavior, promote safety, and accept responsibility for safety. This safety ethic is a target, a stake in the ground, a goal if you will, for all of us to strive for. If we adopt this ethic, our world and that of our families, friends, coworkers, and employees would indeed be safer. Comments are solicited to improve or strengthen this proposal.