The Study on the Construction of WeChat Public Platform Based on Basketball Teaching

Objective: Faced with the new media network environment, WeChat public platform as the carrier of modern information, will make WeChat dock with the campus information system of sports teaching, and make students query various kinds of campus sports information and teaching information by WeChat public platform. Methods: The Construction of WeChat public platform based on basketball teaching, can make the basketball teaching to keep pace with the times, fully response student cultivation mode, innovative teaching methods, expand teaching field, reform teaching mode, make network technology truly for the sports education service, can make full use of modern information technology, realize the teachers and students instant, convenient communication and interaction after class.Results: Based on this ,this paper studies the construction of WeChat public platform based on basketball teaching. First this paper introduces the basic function, characteristic and measure of merit of WeChat public platform. Then, this paper studies the construction of WeChat public platform based on basketball teaching.