SSGM: from serial to parallel processing using PVM

Physics-Based Distributed Simulation using Optimistic Computing makes innovative use of emerging technologies to achieve faster generation of complex, multi-component physics-based information. The computational results are used in performing simulations that probe engineering issues relevant to system acquisition and in high-fidelity real- time distributed simulations. Four synergistic technologies are being brought together to bare on the question of high- fidelity scene generation to support HWIL simulation: integrating architectures for state-of-science, physics- based phenomenology models; protocols to support heterogeneous computers operating on a single network; accessible high-capacity networks; and optimistic synchronization to achieve demanding computational speed requirements and to overcome latency problems in real-time systems. We wish to report the first results from a multi- layer demonstration project that the Naval Research Laboratory has undertaken for the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization. We have made progress using the first three technologies and are planning to address optimistic synchronization in the near-future.