Holmes Principles of physical geology

The dynamic Earth, Donald Duff the changing continental surfaces, Donald Duff materials of Earth's crust - atoms and minerals, Ian Parsons igneous rocks - volcanic and plutonic, J.G. Fitton sedimentary rocks, E.F. Walton and T.P. Scoffin pages of Earth's history, E.F. Walton life as fuel maker - coal and oil, Donald Duff metamorphic rocks, Brian Harte and Colin Graham tectonic features - folds and faults, R.F. Cheeney structural features - salt domes and plugs, Donald Duff volcanoes and their products, Brian Upton structural features - igneous intrusions dating the pages of Earth history, Alex Halliday rock weathering and soils, Adrian Hall surface erosion and landscape slopes, Adrian Hall work of rivers, Adrian Hall development of river systems and associated landscapes, Adrian Hall underground waters, Ian Harrison glaciers and glaciation, G.S. Boulton Ice Ages and their problems, G.S. Boulton wind action and desert landscapes, Kenneth Glennie coastal scenery and the work of the sea, Adrian Hall marine sediments and the ocean floor, N.B. Price and T.P.Scoffin earthquakes and Earth's interior, R.G. Pearce continental and oceanic lithosphere, I.G. Main palaeomagnetism and continental drift, Roy Thompson sea floor spreading and plate tectonics, Roy Thompson plateaus and rift valleys, J.B, Dawson continental margins and basins, Gary Nichols orogenic belts, Ian W.D. Dalziel and R.L. Brown.