Design of relative primary luminances for four-primary displays

Abstract Multi-primary displays have the advantage of large color gamut. The relative primary luminances of a conventional three-primary display are uniquely determined by its white point. There are N −3 degrees of freedom for choosing the relative primary luminances of an N -primary display with a given white point. This paper presents the methods designing the relative primary luminances of four-primary displays. A four-primary LED display is taken as an example for showing the methods. The maximum display luminance and color gamut are, respectively, taken as an additional requirement for determining the relative primary luminances of the display. The requirement of the maximum display luminance is taken for a set of available primary luminances. The gamut volume in CIELAB color space is defined for maximizing the display gamut. In practice, the design of the relative primary luminances may be a compromised result of the two additional requirements.