PANDA at the GSI future facility

Abstract PANDA is the multi-purpose detector that is under construction to cover most of the measurements using antiprotons from the high-energy storage ring (HESR), which will become possible at the GSI future facility. The detector setup has to meet the requirements of a broad physics programme, which ranges from high-resolution resonance spectroscopy in the charmonium region to the production of open charm in annihilations of antiprotons on heavy nuclei. The interaction rate of up to 107 annihilations/s requires sophisticated trigger concepts, which are in part based on vertex detection. To this end, PANDA will be equipped with a compact state-of-the-art micro-vertex detector. Its data shall be used for D meson identification at data acquisition time. Layout of the vertex detector and its interaction with the other detector parts are discussed and an introduction into the physics programme is given.