인간중심디자인과 서비스디자인의 융합교육 사례 연구
This course titled “Human-Centered Design Course for Design Core: Human-Centered Design and Service Design Projects” has been developed and offered to design students at Oregon State University to provide students an opportunity to learn and work with other students in the School of Design including Graphic Design, Apparel Design, Interior Design, and Merchandising Management. The focus was to learn critical concepts in human-centered design and apply the concepts to everyday designs around them. Another focus was to learn about service design thinking and practice the design method through the campus library service design project. The library staff participated in the project development and gave constructive feedback to students which benefitted to improve the project plan and outcomes. Based on feedback and the instructor’s own evaluation of the project, course design implications for future project development and course improvements have been drawn that the formal mid-checks need to be planned so student groups understand the level of details and extensiveness. Some group projects produced service design implementation plans that were not pushed through with details and remained at a surficial level.